I sit in the quiet early mornings having my coffee and I can hear the sounds of the birds chirping in the trees. It's been a long time since they've done this. A good indication that Spring is just around the corner. Then a couple of days ago, as I was doing the same morning routine, I hear the familiar sound of the Sand Hill Cranes as some flew by on their
annual migration. Yet another indication of Spring.
As I think about this coming spring, I find myself reflecting on where my life has brought me over the course of the past 5 years. So many changes, that sometimes if feels like a whirlwind. Many of you know I came back here to North Platte (my birthplace) to care for my father as his health declined. I am old enough now that I really enjoy the slower pace of small town life.
2019 was a pivotal year for me. The career I enjoyed for more than 38 years came to an end. I received a severance package and was done. I made the decision that I no longer wanted to chase the job, as I would have had to do in order to remain in the field. Dad still needed me, and I have my home that I truly love. So I decided to stay put.
I took my years of customer care, business operation skills, and my social media/branding experience and made the decision to become a Real Estate Agent. A decision I do not regret, but it has had its challenges. Developing a business model, and marketing myself to a community that basically had no clue who I was/am. It is still challenging, but coming along. It's still early in the process.
What I have done and done successfully, is to simplify my life of sorts. I have expanded my adventure, camping, hiking, bicycling, and kayaking. I still love to take photographs in nature. I find my calming creative space in the kitchen as I have mastered the art of cooking for one. I post via social media, and here my Dinner for One creations. This blog has grown out of that love, and is a place that I share stories, and photographs of various adventures.
This website, and this blog is a very true representation of who I am and how I take my place in the world of Real Estate and my personal life. I work very hard to be my true genuine self.
I encourage you, my dear reader, to subscribe so you can stay on top of what I am doing.